I am or have been a member of many technical and business organizations including the following:

The Explorers Club (Fellow Emeritus)

The Marine Technology Society (Fellow)

The IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society

The Acoustical Society of America (Emeritus)

The National Sonar Association

The British Acoustical Society

The Inventors Association of New England

The Society for Historical Archaeology

The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (Senior Life Member)

The International Society of Automation (Senior Life Member)

The Hydrographic Society (United Kingdom)

The Hydrographic Society of America

The Oceanic Society

The Oceanic Navigation Research Society, Inc.

The Loch Ness Wellington Association

The United States Naval Institute

The Boston Computer Society

Merrimack River Watershed Council

The Institute of Nautical Archaeology

National Maritime Historical Society

The National Maritime Alliance

The Nautical Archeology Society (United Kingdom)

The Navy League (Life Member)

M.I.T. Enterprise Forum

Small Business Association of New England

High Tech Presidents Roundtable

The Boston Sea Rovers,  Associate Member

The New England Aquarium (Charter Member)

The Cousteau Society

New Hampshire Chiefs of Police, Inc.

U.S. Navy Memorial (Plank Owner)

Titanic Historical Society, Inc.

The Boston Museum of Science

Lake Champlain Maritime Museum

The Hamilton & Scourge Society (Canada)

Massachusetts Archaeological Society

New Hampshire Shipwreck Advisory Committee

National Academy of Engineering

Society of Exploration Geophysicists

The Propeller Club

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Associates

Bathyscaph Trieste Alumni Association, (Honorary Life Member)