Klein, M., Hints from a Transithusiast’s Workshop, Radio Electronics, October 1959.
Klein, M., Transistor Hints, Transistor Projects, Gernsback Library, Inc,. pp 16-22. 1960
Klein, M., More Hints from a Transithusiast’s Workshop, Radio Electronics, January 1960.
Klein, M., Build the Super-Eight Radio, Radio Electronics, August 1960.
Klein, M., "Side Scan Sonar", Undersea Technology, April 1967.
Klein, M., and Jolly, J., "The Use of Side Scan Sonar to Identify Sea Floor Characteristics", Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Engineering Properties of Sea-Floor Soils and Their Geophysical Identification, Seattle, Washington, July 25, 1971.
Klein, M., "Sonar Search at Loch Ness", Preprints of the Seventh Annual Conference, Marine Technology Society, Washington, D.C., August 16-18, 1971.
Klein, M., Van Koevering, B.D., and Michelsen, F.C., "A New Depressor and Recovery Method for Undersea Towed Vehicles", Preprints of the 8th Annual Conference, Marine Technology Society, Washington, D.C., September 11-13, 1972.
Edgerton, H.E., Linder, E. and Klein, M., "Sonar Search at Ashdod, Israel", National Geographic Society Research Reports 1967 Projects, Washington, D.C. 1974.
Klein, M. and Krotser, D., "Side Scan Sonar, Selective Textural Enhancement, Oceans '76, Marine Technology Society.
Klein, M. and Finkelstein, C., "Sonar Serendipity in Loch Ness", Technology Review, December 1976.
Klein, M., "Sonar Scores in Loch Ness", Sea Technology, January 1977.
Klein, M., "Side Scan Sonar", Offshore Services, April 1977.
Klein, M., "New Capabilities for Side Scan Sonar Systems", Oceans'79, IEEE Conference, September 1979.
Klein, M., "High Resolution Sea Bed Mapping", Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, May 1984.
Klein, M., "Sub-Bottom Profiling-Needs for the Nineties", Oceans 89, Seattle, Washington, September 1989.
Klein, M., "The Master's Eye", BONSAI:Journal of the American Bonsai Society/Winter 1992.
Klein, M., “Side Scan Sonar”, International Handbook of Underwater Archaeology, Edited by Carol V. Ruppe and Janet F. Barstad, Klewer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York 2002.
Klein, M., “Side Scan Sonar”, British Museum Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology, Edited by James P. Delgado, British Museum Press, London, 1997.
Klein, M., “Fifty Years of Ocean Exploration – the Boston Sea Rovers Connection”, a DVD published for the fiftieth anniversary Clinic of the Boston Sea Rovers, March 2004.