Fellow of the Marine Technology Society, 1977
Fellow of the Explorers Club, 1979
Small Business Person of the Year 1983 for the State of New Hampshire, “For exemplifying the imagination, initiative, independence and integrity by which the American small business person makes a vital contribution to the Nation, the economy and the free enterprise system”
Elected to the Hall of Fame of the Mount Vernon, New York High School, 1984
Listed in:
Who’s Who in the World
Who's Who in the East
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering
Who’s Who in America
Personalities of America
Klein Associates, Inc. received the President's "E" Certificate Award for Exports, 1983
Klein Associates, Inc. received the 1988 New Englander Award for Innovation at the New England Business Conference.
Finalist in the Entrepreneur of the Year award by INC Magazine, 1989
“Order of Excellence” Award, 1989, from The Alliance for Maritime Heritage Conservation “In recognition of sustained public service and outstanding leadership to the American Diving Community”
Achievement Award “For your support of the LCPI’s (Lake Champlain Phenomena Investigation) ‘Champ’ search and the AALGBRT’s (Lake George Bateaux & Radeau Research Team) documenting of Lake George’s Sunken Bateau Fleet”, Lake Champlain Phenomena Investigation and AALGBRT, 1989
Klein Associates, Inc. received the Compass Industrial Award “For Outstanding Contributions to the Advancement of the Science and Engineering of Oceanography and Marine Technology” from the Marine Technology Society, 1992
Award of Merit, The Society for Historical Archaeology “for his role in the development of side-scan sonar for use in underwater archaeology and his long service to the Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology”, 2003
Received the Compass Distinguished Achievement Award Sponsored by Sea Technology Magazine "For outstanding contributions to the advancement of the science and engineering of oceanography and marine technology”at the Oceans 20006 Marine Technology Society/IEEE Conference in Boston, 2006
Elected to National Academy of Engineering “for the development of underwater imaging systems that have contributed to ocean exploration and the recovery of high-value objects”, 2006
The Boston Sea Rovers in 2011 presented him with their highest award, the Walter Feinberg Memorial Diver of the Year Award, complete with the following inscription:
Arnold O. Beckman Founder Award, the International Society for Automation, 2011,”for the invention and development of the dual channel side scan sonar instrumentation that has opened the world’s ocean for exploration, safe navigation, and underwater recovery”
Klein Side Scan Sonar was selected for one of the iconic objects selected for the MIT150 Exhibition at the MIT Museum commemorating the 150th anniversary of the founding of MIT
Received the Oceanology International 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award, London, 2018
Received the 2018 Technical Achievement Award by the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society "For the design and development of the first commercial dual-chanel side scan sonar and contributions to new techniques in ocean exploration." Charleston, SC, 2018
Received an honorary degree of Doctor of Science from the University of New Hampshire, 2021
Awarded the MATE (Marine Advanced Technology Education) Inspiration for Innovation Award at the 2023 MATE International ROV Competition in Longmont, Colorado
Awarded the 2024 Captain Don Walsh Award by the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) at the Oceans Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia.